In 2009, the South Monterey County, community of Bryson Hesperia suffered a wild lands fire. Typical of fires in the California coastal chaparral, the fire spread quickly. Bryson has just one road in and the fire blocked the road for some time. Thanks to Cal Fire the event was contained with no major loss to structures. Several residents realized the need for community involvement in emergency situations within the Bryson Hesperia community. As a result, Ann Brown KG6TZO, Carla Martinez KJ6DOG and Serena Martinez KJ6BXT formed the South Monterey CERT Association. (2009) A local class was taught certifying a group of members into our active CERT association of today. Ann, a licensed amateur radio operator, knew the capabilities of amateur radio for emergency communications in rural setting such as South Monterey County. Ann suggested to Jack Lindley W6YOY and myself John Foster (Tom) N6FVY, that we teach an Amateur Radio license class for CERT members and members of the community.
Our first class was held February 2011 where we licensed seven new technicians, along with two students who attended from previous cram classes. Seven of those students continued on to General Class during the spring of 2011.
Fast forward.
Currently we've Graduated 100+ students in our local area. A majority have upgraded to General with several continuing onto Extra. Our local VE’s are actively testing at various locations including Quartzfest in Arizona. The Year 2020 cannot go by without mentioning COVID-19 and the lifestyle modifications we are experiencing. Our upcoming class session will take advantage of the ZOOM platform.
The communities (Bryson, Lockwood, Jolon) covered by the CERT has a population of approximately 500 and covers approximately 225 square miles. As we are closer geographically to San Luis Obispo County, many of our local Hams belong to both the Monterey County ARES as well as the San Luis Obispo County ARES/RACES. South Monterey CERT Association along with the generous help of Monterey County OES and RACES has installed a new repeater on Williams Hill with the eventual link to Fremont Peak North of Salinas. This link system has tied the north and south ends of Monterey County together and provide communications in emergency events. KC6ERT 443.800 PL100
Locally we operate a net (WedNet) to get new licensed operators on the air and familiar with their equipment. Once licensed, a new operator becomes confident by gaining experience in a friendly, non-stress operating environment. Operators get a chance to talk to folks they know, and when ready, try their hand at the net control position. Above all, we strive to have fun.
Net: Wednesday evenings 1900 hrs. 146.73 and 147.36 PL 127.3 W6FM repeater link.
We are very active, with daily conversation and chatter, so if you are passing through jump in and say Hi
KC6ERT South Monterey CERT Association
Our first class was held February 2011 where we licensed seven new technicians, along with two students who attended from previous cram classes. Seven of those students continued on to General Class during the spring of 2011.
Fast forward.
Currently we've Graduated 100+ students in our local area. A majority have upgraded to General with several continuing onto Extra. Our local VE’s are actively testing at various locations including Quartzfest in Arizona. The Year 2020 cannot go by without mentioning COVID-19 and the lifestyle modifications we are experiencing. Our upcoming class session will take advantage of the ZOOM platform.
The communities (Bryson, Lockwood, Jolon) covered by the CERT has a population of approximately 500 and covers approximately 225 square miles. As we are closer geographically to San Luis Obispo County, many of our local Hams belong to both the Monterey County ARES as well as the San Luis Obispo County ARES/RACES. South Monterey CERT Association along with the generous help of Monterey County OES and RACES has installed a new repeater on Williams Hill with the eventual link to Fremont Peak North of Salinas. This link system has tied the north and south ends of Monterey County together and provide communications in emergency events. KC6ERT 443.800 PL100
Locally we operate a net (WedNet) to get new licensed operators on the air and familiar with their equipment. Once licensed, a new operator becomes confident by gaining experience in a friendly, non-stress operating environment. Operators get a chance to talk to folks they know, and when ready, try their hand at the net control position. Above all, we strive to have fun.
Net: Wednesday evenings 1900 hrs. 146.73 and 147.36 PL 127.3 W6FM repeater link.
We are very active, with daily conversation and chatter, so if you are passing through jump in and say Hi
KC6ERT South Monterey CERT Association