Kern System: Coverage of this system goes from E of Barstow to Ventura, the Southern and central part of the San Juaquin Valley up to about Tracy.
C.A.R.L.A. Is a network of repeaters providing coverage across Northern & Central California and Western Nevada. It is intended to be used as a reliable communications resource during significant local, regional and wide area incidents, and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators.
Win System: The WIN System is a series of 71 linked, or Intertied repeaters, most are 440, or UHF repeaters, but we have some 2-meter and 220 repeaters as well, that cover a great deal of California, 16 States, and four Countries around the world. The WIN System is an OPEN Repeater system. It is not a Closed or a Private system.
We like to call it a ‘member supported’ system. We encourage all hams to stop in and get acquainted. However it is the membership that keeps the WIN System ‘on the air.’ Membership is open to any licensed amateur radio operator who wants to get involved with a growing, vibrant group, on the leading edge of technology.
WB6ECE Repeater Group: At this point five of the repeater sites are part of the new voted and simulcast system. When you use 100 Hz CTCSS, your signal is received by one or more of the linked sites. The system is open to any emergency traffic and all users who respect the operational features and limitations of the system. Most sites have utility power with automatic generator backup. Each standalone site uses a different CTCSS tone for access.
W6FM Repeater System: The W6FM repeaters listed here are open systems. The Tassajera repeater operates on a frequency of 444.525 MHz. A CTCSS (PL) tone of 127.3 Hz is required to access the repeater. The repeater does not transmit PL however. It is located 2761 feet (841m) above sea level at Tassajera Peak about 8 miles (12.9 km) northwest of downtown San Luis Obispo, California. The William's Hill repeater operates on a frequency of 146.73 Mhz. A CTCSS (PL) tone of 127.3 Hz is required to access the repeater. The repeater does transmit PL. It is located 2800 feet above sea level at Williams Hill near San Ardo. There is also a The Net node at the site. It operates on 144.95 MHz . It is identified as W6FM-1 SLODX. It provides connectivity for northern San Luis Obispo county to the DX cluster in Nipomo.
Salinas Valley Repeater Group:
Salinas Valley Repeater Group operates a wide area linked repeater system, serving California from the Monterey Bay high above the Santa Cruz Mountains, to the Bay Area, down to the coast of Big Sur and over to the San Joaquin Valley.
The system consists of multiple full time linked analog and mixed mode digital P25 repeaters. Currently we have 3 mixed mode P25 systems linked. For more information about P25 visit our P25 information page.
Our mission is to provide a wide area linked open repeater system that is enjoyable to operate on – you could say we are ‘lax’ in the fact that unlike other wide area linked systems long rag chew QSOs are welcome and encouraged. The system is linked with full duplex IP links.
C.A.R.L.A. Is a network of repeaters providing coverage across Northern & Central California and Western Nevada. It is intended to be used as a reliable communications resource during significant local, regional and wide area incidents, and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators.
Win System: The WIN System is a series of 71 linked, or Intertied repeaters, most are 440, or UHF repeaters, but we have some 2-meter and 220 repeaters as well, that cover a great deal of California, 16 States, and four Countries around the world. The WIN System is an OPEN Repeater system. It is not a Closed or a Private system.
We like to call it a ‘member supported’ system. We encourage all hams to stop in and get acquainted. However it is the membership that keeps the WIN System ‘on the air.’ Membership is open to any licensed amateur radio operator who wants to get involved with a growing, vibrant group, on the leading edge of technology.
WB6ECE Repeater Group: At this point five of the repeater sites are part of the new voted and simulcast system. When you use 100 Hz CTCSS, your signal is received by one or more of the linked sites. The system is open to any emergency traffic and all users who respect the operational features and limitations of the system. Most sites have utility power with automatic generator backup. Each standalone site uses a different CTCSS tone for access.
W6FM Repeater System: The W6FM repeaters listed here are open systems. The Tassajera repeater operates on a frequency of 444.525 MHz. A CTCSS (PL) tone of 127.3 Hz is required to access the repeater. The repeater does not transmit PL however. It is located 2761 feet (841m) above sea level at Tassajera Peak about 8 miles (12.9 km) northwest of downtown San Luis Obispo, California. The William's Hill repeater operates on a frequency of 146.73 Mhz. A CTCSS (PL) tone of 127.3 Hz is required to access the repeater. The repeater does transmit PL. It is located 2800 feet above sea level at Williams Hill near San Ardo. There is also a The Net node at the site. It operates on 144.95 MHz . It is identified as W6FM-1 SLODX. It provides connectivity for northern San Luis Obispo county to the DX cluster in Nipomo.
Salinas Valley Repeater Group:
Salinas Valley Repeater Group operates a wide area linked repeater system, serving California from the Monterey Bay high above the Santa Cruz Mountains, to the Bay Area, down to the coast of Big Sur and over to the San Joaquin Valley.
The system consists of multiple full time linked analog and mixed mode digital P25 repeaters. Currently we have 3 mixed mode P25 systems linked. For more information about P25 visit our P25 information page.
Our mission is to provide a wide area linked open repeater system that is enjoyable to operate on – you could say we are ‘lax’ in the fact that unlike other wide area linked systems long rag chew QSOs are welcome and encouraged. The system is linked with full duplex IP links.